Well, it's Thanksgiving and I will be eating what many African American households eat, mac and cheese, collard greens, yams, potato salad, and sweet potato pie to name a few. I hate to generalize so forgive me but when people ask what are you going to eat for Thanksgiving, I am always puzzled at that question. We all know thanksgiving has the same menu no matter the culture and race. It rarely changes! Even if you are vegan, you just substitute for the most part non-meat options for the same menu. Each year I also have a portion control prep talk, but eating and talking leads to mindless eating. So, this year maybe I'll eat in a closet away from others so that I can be mindful of what I'm eating? Hmmm, nevermind! So everyone enjoys the usual menu, be thankful for all that God has provided, and help someone else eat this holiday season and beyond.