Take it on Tuesday: Dealing With The Pressure
Take it on Tuesday!!
If you handle pressure the right way, you will come back more powerful on the other side- Joel Osteen
When pressure hits, one can take many paths: buckle, panic, become fearful, give up, have an impulsive reaction, or rationally respond. When pressure comes, we may go through any or all of these emotions, especially when we do not know the next step. When times are tough, it isn't easy to think about coming out in a better place on the other side. Rightfully so, the thoughts in our minds tell us how this will turn out all bad.
But the only way to deal with pressure is with patience, strategy, and devoid of panicked emotion. We need to pause, breathe, and think—not panicky thinking but deep-breath thinking. We also, most importantly, need FAITH. We all have had pressure in the past and experienced how GOD saw us out of the situation. Because of this, many of you can look back and note how you were better for it, even though it was pretty tough.
If we handle pressure the right way, we do not allow our minds to become hijacked by fear and disillusionment. When we believe we are empowered to deal with any situation, we can breathe and calm ourselves. We can then focus on what we can do and just do THAT.