Take it on Tuesday: Staying Motivated Towards Your Goals

Take it on Tuesday!

Faith sees what other people can't see, make plans for what GOD puts in your heart.- Joel Osteen

Research shows this is about the time new goals start to fall off. A large reason is not seeing immediate results makes it hard for us to stay motivated. I think this is especially hard because we are a culture of instant gratification. I get it.

I have been nursing two bad knees for a while...years of pounding. The PT regiment is challenging but slow and steady. I also have micro exercises that I also must daily do, but yet I get frustrated because I do not see how this will stop this knee pain. I am told to trust the process. But in reality, had I stayed the course a few years back during my first round of PT, I would have been in a far better position today.

That's the same process when making plans for what GOD places in our heart.

We will not always see clearly what's ahead of us-that's when our faith needs to kicks in. We still need to do the work of our faith, but in small bites. Noting BIG happens outside of small steps. We have to wrap our arms around that simple fact.

So, stick with the plan. Daily small decisions will reap greater benefits.


Take it on Tuesday: New Years Resolutions


Take it on Tuesday: Dealing With The Pressure